>>This is a lot like a trip back in time, and I thought the rest of you
>>might enjoy it as well:

Thank you - a nostalgic trip it was, particularly reading Ken's obit - I
still remember the event, but I never knew what happened.  I always
thought that he had an accident doing a movie shoot (the KR acting the
part of a "drone"?)

Terminology Problem:

>From Don Reid's collection:  (An early article on the KR1)  I was under
the impression that Ken used polyU foam - like the open cell product
that my wife uses for flower arrangements - comes in green or brown and
can also be made by mixing two parts of liquid.

This article talks of polystyrene foam - to me that is a white (or blue)
closed cell foam that can be hot-wire cut and does not like polyester
resin - very popular with radio control model fliers.

Please put me straight - maybe someone knows of an archive article or
other source if more info on the different foams and their respective
pro's and con's.

Take care - Steve

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