<<From: "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net> > That's the ELT antenna. I don't know that anything's been done with the > Area 51 KR, but calling the airport manager at Pine Bluff airport would get > you Don Bethan, or just look him up at MSN's "white pages" for Pine Bluff, > AR and call him at home. Don probably knows what happened to it, if > anything...>>
I respectfully submit, I believe Don Betcham was the past airport manager at Perry, OK. That is where the Area 51 term originated (in reference to KRNet anyway). He was in the phone book back then. He hosted the Gathering twice there. If you can get a closer look at a Lancair 200-235 series, you'll see almost a duplicate version of the Area 51 gear design...or is it the other way around? The wing bottom to runway distance is about the same as the original KR retract design. Can you say "float" on landing? Cheers, Randy Stein South Soviet Monica, CA