>My first question: Is an extra 25 hp worth an extra $9,000?

Why would you do it?
operate out of a high altitude airport.
want to climb fast
don't care about fuel costs
have too much money
want to delay getting into the air

>Second: Is an estimated extra 91 pounds empty weight on a KR-2 realistic?

If you do not care to carry any passengers, or do not mind much higher 
stall and landings speeds, no problem.

>About 90 percent of this will be forward of the main spar and ahead of the 

You definitely will not be tail heavy, but you will need to consider a 
redesign of the engine mount to keep behind the forward limit.

>Third: How will the taller gear effect ground handling and flight 

Ground visibility will be worse and handling should be more tender. Flight 
should not be impacted, other than more drag.

Larry Severson
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 968-9852

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