Netters I am curently in the proces of instaling my Diehl wingskins.I have 
the lower skin on both wings, the ribs are in place. Last night I went out to 
my garage to doublecheck the washout before epoxying on the top wingskin. Much 
to my dismay the washout had changed. It was off 3/4" over a 2' length on the 
right wing at the rib glued to the end of the spar and 3/16" on the left, 
aparently while gluing the lower skins to the spars the weight of the clamps 
caused the rear spar to sag. Before begining to dismantle things I thought I'd 
ask if anyone else had a similar problem and what they did about it.Or if 
anyone has an idea how much this will affect the flying charactoristics, I 
think it's obvious I'll need to do somthing with the right wing, but the left 
may not be to critical. I'll just try to make them both the same.
    My plan is to start removing the center ribs to see if this will allow the 
wing to flex, if not then losen the rear spar from the skin, and keep going 
until I can twist it back to shape and have it stay after reglueing.
    Coments or suggestions are apreciated. next time I'll check it before the 
glue hardens.
Dan Rondeau  

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