>From: intrepid...@juno.com
>   But I like the pop-rivet better; and the local hardware store
>   has a wide assortment of aluminum pop-rivets of many
>   diameters and lengths.   I'd avoid steel as it is harder to
>   pull, will rust, etc.
>   a r t

Art, these steel head pop rivets have a head size of 3/8".  Most aluminum 
pop rivets you find will have a very rounded lip on the outside of the head. 
  These steel head rivets slope down to a near flush joint with the surface. 
  The more rounded edge found on an aluminum pop rivet may cause airflow 
separation, creating an inconsistant low pressure area above the static 
port.  These are a piece of cake to pull.

Additionally, as I mentioned before, these rivet heads are treated in some 
manner.  They appear as glossy as the alclad aluminum they are affixed to on 
my project.  If you are worried about rusting, scuff the head up with a 
scotch pad and prime with NAPA 7220 rattle can self etching primer, found at 
your local NAPA store.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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