The purpose of this message is simply I felt the aim of the KRnet was to share knowledge and experience. To criticize the qestioner is grammer school behavior and most of you know it Merry Christmas Bob Tallini
Lighten up a little Bob, it's just that those of us who have been around KRs for as long as we have, have seen most anything one could do to a KR. When you stated your desire to use the 23 airfoil, it's old school to some of us. If you will notice I tried, in every post to say, put whatever on your airplane you want. If you saw the input, of what I would consider to be useful information, as personnal insults against anything, heck I know A&Ps I wouldn't let stand next to my airplane of CFII I wouldn't let my mother fly with, then you were taking constructive input the wrong way. If you put the airfoil of your choice on your KR, I see that you have received some very valuable input from some people who are familiar with the airfoil, on the KR and not on the KR. Take whatever you can glean from the conversation and go with it. A lot of times what is said on lists might come across totally different than the posted intended. Don't read between the lines. Heck, I probably don't know crap about crap:-) Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Get dial-up Internet access now with our best offer: 6 months @$9.95/month!