This list gets pretty worked up sometimes, but I'm a member of other lists 
where the discussions can become much more, ahhh ... animated.

Few things will get this list more worked up than "The Airfoil Discussion". One 
group will get worked up if you deviate, even a small amount, from the plans. 
Another group worked very hard to develop the ASXXXXX airfoil, to the point of 
donating money and time to promote the project. This airfoil was specifically 
designed for this plane and early result in flying aircraft are promising, but 
your right I haven't read any discussion of stalling behavior. Could be it's a 
non-event and no one has mentioned it as a result..

However, with very few exceptions, everyone means well and promotes their 
position with intelligent and courteous commentary. I've learned a great deal 
here and once the dust settles everyone works hard to help you complete your 
aircraft in any way they can.

All in all this is a very good group. I agree with you in that this is 
experimental aviation and you are free to modify the design in any way you feel 
is required to make this your dream plane. I can't help but drool alittle every 
time I see Marks KR for instance but His is just one example of many very kool 
KR's and builders on this list.

One major concern of many here is that this design is more easily modified than 
most, that's what attracts many to the design. But, also, that is where much of 
the trouble for the KR community begins. Someone will make vast and sweeping 
mods to the basic plane and then, unfortunately, have an accident during the 
test phase. Then an uninformed press goes on and on about the KR that crashed, 
and that's the unfair part that worries many here.

A highly modified KR should probably be registered as a "Denny Special" , or 
whatever, and not a KR. That at least, to some degree, protects the KR 
community from unfortunate bad press.

In some respect this list is very much like a family and once you've paid your 
dues you will be amazed at how helpful everyone can be.

Denny ...

robert tallini <> wrote:
There is one more point I should like to make concerning my request for 
opinions regarding the strength of 3/16" ply webs on 23012 airfoil spars. I was 
not asking for opinions on the airfoil. I was disappointed, and not a little 
irritated to find myself the subject of comments concerning my general 
intelligence and lack of flying experience.

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