There is one more point I should like to make concerning my request for opinions regarding the strength of 3/16" ply webs on 23012 airfoil spars. I was not asking for opinions on the airfoil. I was disappointed, and not a little irritated to find myself the subject of comments concerning my general intelligence and lack of flying experience.
We are involved in building EXPERIMENTAL aircraft. Not that we should reinvent the wheel or disregard the knowledge that others have contributed, BUT, the moment when we stop searching for optional [perhaps even better] ways of doing things is the moment when advancement in homebuilt aircraft atrophies. I feel very strongly that impuning a KRnet contributor, or anyone for that matter,on a personal level is in very bad taste. We should confine our replies to his question or to the issue involved, not sink to personal disparagement. I was not comparing the currently popular AS5046 or 48 to the 23012. It appears that even mentioning another airfoil seems to cause many builders using this design to take it as an insult to their judgement. Personally I think these airfoils are probably excellent but the graph I saw gave them only a 10mph advantage over the RAF48. Wherebye Roy Marsh topped 190mph. It's true he did it with a clipped wing. I will concede the AS 50 series is a safer bet. However, Wilbur and Orville thought wing warping was the way to go. They were very critical of Glen Curtis when he developed the aileron. The purpose of this message is simply I felt the aim of the KRnet was to share knowledge and experience. To criticize the qestioner is grammer school behavior and most of you know it Merry Christmas Bob Tallini