On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 08:16:31 -0600 Bernard McLean Sr
<res0k...@verizon.net> writes:
> Hello to all KR enthusiasts.
> I'm wondering if you can help me make a couple of decisions.
> I am about to resume construction on my KR2 kit (plans book no. 68) 
> which I started in February of 1986 and had to put on hold for a 
> variety 
> of reasons (lack of assembly space, primarily). I managed to 
> complete 
> all the wing spars and fuselage sides plus the horizontal stab and, 
> 17 
> years later, am ready to begin assembly of the "boat".
> My questions are;
> 1.    Should I use T-88 glue or is one of the more expensive 
> products 
> listed by Wicks or A.S.&S. a better way to go?

Use what you started with

> 2.    My kit is the retractable gear version. At the KR gathering  
> this 
> year I talked with many folks who suggested going with the           
> fixed gear instead (which I have decided to do). Now, what do I need 
> to 
> do before boat assembly to prepare for the fixed            tail 
> dragger 
> version?

Nothing, just put the gear on before you do the stub wings

> 3.    Does someone sell the fixed gear components together with plan 
> modifications?

RR Dan D and Grove

> Thanks for any ideas you can provide!

Thats all for now, Virg

> Bernie McLean
> Poplar Grove Airport Illinois
> _______________________________________________
> see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

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