1.) Many builders are using T-88, for structural
epoxy, West system or Safetypoxy for laminating epoxy,
all available at Wicks or AS&S.  I would toss the
unused portion of any epoxy that has been sitting
around since 1986...FYI, I'm using T-88 for
structural, and West System for Laminating.

2.) Check with Dan Diehl, he sells all of the
components necessary to complete the modification to
fixed gear. and provides the plans on how to complete
the modification with the parts he sells.  He's also
very helpful and a really great guy.
If you have internet:
Welcome back

--- Bernard McLean Sr <> wrote:
> My questions are;
> 1.    Should I use T-88 glue or is one of the more
> expensive products listed by Wicks or A.S.&S. a
better way to go?
> 2.    Does someone sell the fixed gear components
> together with plan  modifications?

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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