Frank writes- >You might want to sit in a friend's KR and "pee in a cup" >before you recommend flying a KR and 'pee in a cup'. On the other hand, >take a look at the Cessna AT-37. >It has two tanks or bombs under each wing. The >possiblities of a couple of tanks under each >wing that are about 8" diameter and 16" long would >provide some extra baggage or fuel for the KR
Okay; taking that idea one step further, how about a relief tube piped to each of those tanks under the wings? Extended human element range! You bet, as long as the tanks are below the level of your -er- waste outlet. Hey, we could start a whole new thread on this ("is an equalizer tube between the two waste tanks needed? Should the tanks be vented? Are there any RV waste dumps on any airport ramp you've seen? Should you make the tanks jettisonable in case of emergency? Would you install quantity indicators on the tanks?"). The list goes on and on, but suffice it to say that if you ride in a KR for a couple of hours, you'll be ready to stop and stretch your legs awhile and forget about endurance flying, unless you're a Dick Rutan type by nature. Oscar Zuniga San Antonio, TX mailto: website at _________________________________________________________________ Is there a gadget-lover on your gift list? MSN Shopping has lined up some good bets!