We had relief tubes on the OV-1D's, C-12's, U-21's and
U-8's that I flew while I was in the US Army.  I could
tell you about a female captain that was a passenger
on a C-12 ferry flight that thought she could use a
male relief tube tube to deficate into.  Need I say it
wasn't a "fun" flight. I'll spare the rest of the
"gory  details".
The relief tube has a "switch" on it.  You have to
push it before you fill it, else you'll be wearing
Lord help you if you had a falling out with one of the
maintenance crew, they'd turn the opening forward so
the relief tube would get pressure instead of suction.
So you'd push the button before "filling" the tube,
and it would never have a suction...so you can't use
it...then you'd "wait to do it" until landing.
--- Phil Matheson <mathe...@dodo.com.au> wrote:
> I know a number glider pilots that have a PRT ( No
> 1) out the bottom of the
> aircraft, they eat and drink to their hearts
> content, and only land for a
> number 2. they can fly for 6 hours, depending on the
> weather.

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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