I've been reading the comments about fuel tanks. I have 3 tanks set up - 2 four gallons (for the wings) and a five (header). In seeing all of the comments, I am still leaning towards putting them in the stubs and not the outer wings. Is that still the general consenus? I will also have a pump filling the header and letting it gravity flow (with some kind of visible guage). With expected fuel burn of 3.5 to 4 per hour, I should get 3 hours and still have a decent reserve. I don't think I need anything bigger. I currently fly a Sundowner and always set the time and fly for 3 hours even though I can go over 4 hours safely. I went to Oshkosh and landed twice on the route - Bakersville, ARK and Springfield, ILL. Had a great visit in both. I do want to fly faster, not necessarily longer. Any fuel set up advice will be appreciated. Ray (no "N" number, half a plane, looking for an engine etc.)
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