The aircraft Spruce  and Wicks catalogs in the glass descriptions say as
used in KR. That is how I ordered mine. It is a 18 x 18 thread count at
about 5.5 oz. I don't have the catalogs here to get the actual number. I
figured yardage and came up short 3 times now. Only order epoxy as you
need it so it doesn't collect moisture. I did it a gallon at a time and
tried to plan and check when I was using any large amount at one time.
        I hope this helps-- Joe Horton 

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 21:46:32 +1000 Gavin Donohoe
<> writes:
> I wasn't serious about the black list stuff, it just seems silly to 
> me that
> all of you are all at work glassing etc and no one can tell me if I 
> should
> use 5oz or 100oz glass. And as it's no use asking the local 
> fibreglass shop
> because he's running scared by liability where aircraft are 
> involved, yes
> this list is our only hope.  Remember some of us don't know Jack 
> SH--T about
> fibreglass.
> Gav
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dan Heath" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:32 PM
> Subject: Re: KR>Fiberglass
> RE:    I thought this list was to help people like myself who are 
> all alone
> out here with no local help.
> Gavin,
> You are right, this is your only hope.  I looked for the answer to 
> your
> question in AS and Wickes.  I found an Email address of 
> and my request to them was returned, address not known.  There ain't 
> no
> black list, we are all just busy building our planes and you have 
> asked a
> question for which we may not have a definitive answer.
> Be thankful, when I built my first, I was all alone and had no KR 
> Net.  I am
> building now and can't tell you what glass to use.  I have tried two 
> kinds
> and cannot remember what they are, but it seems that the best one, 
> although,
> maybe a little heavy, is the one sold for the Long EZ.  If I 
> remember
> correctly, it is 5.5 oz bid glass.
> I was going to look in my plans for you, but it is not in yours, I 
> guess it
> won't be in mine either.
> It also is difficult to estimate the amount of glass you would use 
> and what
> kind to use and how much resin to use, because there are so many 
> variables.
> What if you bought all pre-molded parts and were using wing skins, 
> how much
> and what kind would you need.  People use all different kinds of 
> resin, we
> are using AeroPoxy, but will probably switch to West Systems for the 
> cowling
> mold, but if I bought a cowling that would fit, I would not need any 
> of that
> stuff.
> Also, you will want to only but what you will need in the next 6 
> months or
> so, because you want your resin to always be fresh.
> Netters, how about some suggestions for glass type and weight and 
> what resin
> you like?  Maybe some pros and cons to go along with it.
> N64KR
> Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering
> See our KR at - Click on the pic
> See our EAA Chapter 242 at
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