Thank you, Mark. 

It also comes with the premolded turtledeck and
forward deck. Would I just cut these in half and fill
them with BID -- will that be strong enough?


--- Mark Langford <> wrote:
> > 3. Given the widened fuse, how difficult would it
> be
> > to fit a preformed canopy and cowling (not
> included in
> > the package).
> RR will be quick to tell you that their canopy will
> not fit a KR2 or S
> that's been widened more than 1.5".  I doubt that
> the firewall is widened
> 4", but if it is, their cowling certainly won't fit
> either.  The Dragonfly
> will fit perfectly though, as detailed at
> .
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
> N56ML "at"
> see KR2S project at
> _______________________________________________
> see KRnet list details at

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