Larry Severson wrote: > The spar grain runs horizontal; the plywood caps run vertical, according to > the manual - and good building practices (strength).
Man that is some really bad news. When Wicks sent me my spar cap material, it was only an inch thick, in two pieces that were to be laminated, and the grain ran vertical in those pieces. Me, being just an idiot, glued them together that way, and my entire plane was built around those spar caps. And I completely missed the fact that I needed "plywood caps", so I left them off entirely! Liability being what it is these days, and since I was really worried about the structural integrity of those spars, I cut the whole plane up this afternoon with a chain saw, and in the best South African tradition, had a very impressive bonfire out in the driveway. Pictures at 11:00. Now I don't have to worry about painting my antenna with metallic paint, and I can get on with that RV-10! Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL N56ML "at" see KR2S project at