> I bought a Sony Mavica for the school library, mainly because it uses > standard floppy disks.
That's probably great for a library, where you might not "get out" much, but out in the field, the 1.44M of disk space that a floppy offers will only save two of my pictures! I bought a 256M Flashcard for 30 bucks a few months ago, enough to yield 440 pictures at the highest resolution my camera can shoot! A USB card reader is normally something like 20 bucks, but I got mine free from some company just for buying another card earlier. The floppy dictates a large squarish footprint for the camera too, and some funky ergonomics, I suspect. Maybe miniCD is better. Can't say, not knowing! But I'm all for the Olympus Camedias too. The 360L or 390L or whatever it's up to these days. I started out with their first one (and several others) and it was the best by far of the ones I tried. Olympus seems to care about image quality more than most. I wrote some stuff about digital photography (although it's old) and creating webpages, at the top of http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/misc.html , if it helps at all... Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL N56ML "at" hiwaay.net see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford