>Assuming I get around the 51%, I have a bigger question.
>The builder decided to make a radical modification to the
>original KR plans. He built a tandem seating arrangement.
>What will this do to weight & balance? His design was for a
>Subaru engine. Mine will be a Corvair.

A tandem KR2 is going to have a real W/B problem, if there is a passenger. 
The plane is too short coupled for that much weight aft, unless the engine 
is moved significantly forward. In that case, you have other problems when 
ever you get into a slip or yaw condition, plus you also will have to 
ballast for the missing passenger. The seller must have discovered this too 

There are other KR2s available that are partially completed that are good 
buys. In fact, partially completed planes are usually less than the cost of 
the materials being sold.

Larry Severson
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 968-9852

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