>I made a horrible discovery today, and I need some help. On doing an inspection of the wing outer panels, I discovered that the original builder had used SS rivets to mount the piano hinges to the spars, and one came loose! >Tim Bellville +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
RIVETS IN WOOD ?? WHAT THE HELL WAS SOMEONE THINKING??? Page 87 of the KR2 plans give the written instructions for mounting the hinge with " 8/32 pan head bolts with nut plates spaced 6" apart". Before cutting the wing open to correct you might consider using a hole saw, held at an angle to cut a semi-circle access hole every 6" on both the aileron and wing panel. You really only need access to attach and flox the nut plates. Make the holes on the bottom side, insert a foam plug when finished, and cover back over with a layer of glass and refinish. If the hinge alignment is o.k. now I'd remove and replace half the rivets at a time to hold alingment while you are correcting the problem. Good Luck. Larry Flesner