Since it's still Friday and I was able to finish what I wanted to on my 
airplane today, here is todays progress.  I finished dimpling, 
countersinking and deburring the firewall last night.  I had to prime and 
rivet it today but only after I finally inventoried the fuselage 
kit........whick took 3.5 hours!!  Anyway, the firewall is done with flush 
rivets on the forward side, made for a clean firewall.  In this pic you can 
see in the lower left the brake line pass through.  In the lower right 
center corner of the firewall is a backing plate, with nutplates forward, 
for mounting of the electrical fuel pump.  The center section comes with the 
wing, as it is match drilled to the spars at a mate.  I was able to finish 
riveting on nutplates, brackets and uprights today and couldn't resist 
bolting on the control stick assembly.........that is in the plans at this 
point, it is just a little furthur than I had planned on making it today.

It isn't KR,  just thinking you guys and gal might enjoy seeing how another 
airplane goes together.

Happy 4th.!!

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
do not archive

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