RE:  Also, If so, what could I do to overcome this? (fit a bigger engine,
put on more weight???)


Actually  it is not the elevator.  It has to do with a characteristic that I
have heard called "short coupled".  This has been defined to me as the
distance between a point on  the main wing ( I don't know what it is called)
 and the same point on the horizontal stabilizer, and the relationship that,
to the mean chord of the main wing. 

So you could have a plane that looked to have a short distance between the
two wings and it not be short coupled because the mean chord of the main
wing was very short.

I hope someone with more aeronautical engineering knowledge than I have,
will explain it better.

You can offset the C of G by moving the engine out farther, or put on a
monster engine.  However, your results will vary.


Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

See you in Red Oak - 2003

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