?4130 is a descriptor of the materials in the steel alloy.  41xx steel is a 
family of SAE steel grades, as specified by the Society of Automotive Engineers 
(SAE). Alloying elements include chromium and molybdenum, and as a result these 
materials are often informally referred to as chromoly steel.  The 30 in 4130 
refers to 30% carbon in the steel.  It is lighter and stronger than the 
standard 1020 mild steel you'll find at the lumber yard.

Your local steel supplier may know it better as chrome-moly steel.  If he 
doesn't recognize that, then as Randy says, find another supplier.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

Cc:?"Dean Choitz" <dschoitz at yahoo.com>
Subject:?KR> engine mount
hate to look to stupid but our local iron supplier has never heard of 4130 
iron/steel need to order some material to make a longer mount for cg. question 
cg 4 inches from leading edge to 14 from leading edge is that what most 
builders are shooting for thanks dean choitz

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