hate to look to stupid but our local iron supplier has never heard of 4130 iron/steel need to order some material to make a longer mount for cg. question cg 4 inches from leading edge to 14 from leading edge is that what most builders are shooting for thanks dean choitz
- KR> Engine mount mfreem...@indy.rr.com
- KR> Engine mount Charles Babb
- KR> Engine mount Dean Meloni
- KR> Engine mount Dean Meloni
- KR> Engine mount mfreem...@indy.rr.com
- KR> Engine mount Jeff Scott
- KR> Engine mount mfreem...@indy.rr.com
- KR> Engine mount mfreem...@indy.rr.com
- KR> Gathering shirts / hats Larry&Sallie Flesner
- KR> Engine mount mfreem...@indy.rr.com
- KR> engine mount Dean Choitz
- KR> engine mount Randy Smith
- KR> engine mount Jim Chuk
- KR> engine mount Rob Schmitt
- KR> KR1 bob's computer
- KR> engine mount Jeff Scott