are we talking jet engine, or turboprop (original remarks)?  

> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 07:27:11 -0500
> To: crz372 at; krnet at
> Subject: Re: KR> Jet Engine in KR
> From: krnet at
> CC: m.ladigo at
> Hi Randy, That was me with a modified single seat KR2. I carries 48 gallons 
> which is enough fuel for about 3 hours at full power at sea level or almost 5 
> hours at 10,000 feet. I sold the plane to Steve Alderman around 2005 and 
> bought it back a couple of years ago. Steve had done very little work on it. 
> It has become a labor of love spending most of its time under a plastic tarp 
> but still receives very slow progress from time to time. Mike Ladigo

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