There was one owned by Steve Trentman years back also if I recollect. Attached 
is a photo of it. Apologies for the quality but the image has been through my 
computer wringer over the years. Steve did sell it...was it to you Mike??

John Martindale
29 Jane Circuit
Toormina NSW 2452

ph:61 2 6658 4767
m:0403 432179
email:john_martindale at
web site: 

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michael 
Ladigo via KRnet
Sent: Monday, 2 November 2015 11:27 PM
To: Randy Smith; KRnet
Cc: m.ladigo at
Subject: Re: KR> Jet Engine in KR

Hi Randy, That was me with a modified single seat KR2.....snip...... Mike Ladigo

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