Mark Jones said, 

> "So, what does this have to do with batteries? NOTHING. It does however
tell you that you need back up systems on all phases to save your bacon."

Tells me that.  Good story.  

It also tells me something I didn't know about how powerful the Ellison
suction is.  Mine suctions from a header tank so doesn't have far to go
(and it's a -2, as opposed to your -3A, so less suction).  Fuel level in
header the tank is well below the level of the Ellison, most of the time.
 It the tank is clear full, I'd have to guess they are exactly at the
same level.  

What your post indicates is that the Ellison EFS-3A suctions enough to
draw fuel from wing tanks!   Through all that tubing, valves and
distance.  That's truly a good back-up, just that.  Supplementing it with
a light pump ought to be done.  You mentioned Facet.  One of those I
guess, if you like them.  I've never had any trouble with Facet.  It
sucks frul from the 4.2 gallon wing tank, a short distance, through
tubing and two or three high quality shut-off valves and transfer valves.
 It could be done more elegantly, but doens't leak and does work
beautifully.  I would have never tried sucking fuel directly from the
Ellison to the 4.2 gallon wing tank but now I think I will.  It would be
great to know.  I've never even considered the question, until now. 


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