At 01:26 PM 10/13/2015, you wrote:
>What can anyone do with 4 amp hours I ask you?

It can run my fuel tanks dry, thank you.  My engine runs on mags and 
I don't need a radio or lights to stay airborne. And if my alternator 
is still functioning it will keep the little "4 AH" battery fully 
charged beyond empty tanks, running the radio, electric AH, lower the 
speed brake, and anything else I need.  We put lightening holes in 
structures to cut down on weight.  Why would I want to carry an extra 
15 pounds of battery that will never be needed.  If my main battery, 
alternator, and main electrical buss all go south I can still fly the 
remaining fuel out of the tanks.  I'm comfortable with that as I lost 
my main buss once ( an open in the master switch circuit )  and my 
little "4 AH" battery got me safely to a landing.

Larry Flesner 

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