It was my understanding the $25 registration fee was to help make this 
gathering come close to breaking even (which it probably didn't) as the Chino 
Gathering was expensive for Steve to host, so the funds passed forward to Dan 
were minimal.  I don't want Dan to end up in the hole on this, and I want to 
help build the funding for the next host, who-ever and where-ever that may be, 
so they don't start out in the hole.  Someone has to foot the bill for shirts 
and hats to be ordered BEFORE anyone ever buys a single one of them.  Someone 
foots the bill for the catering before anyone ever commits a penny to attend 
the banquet.  I would rather not see the next host have to front that money out 
of pocket as that would be a real disincentive to host a gathering.  Towards 
that end, I made a substantial donation towards the Gathering via Dan's PayPal 
account yesterday.  It's OK if you don't feel moved to pay it forward for the 
gatherings.  But I felt compelled to do my part to support future gatherings.

Perhaps Larry can comment about this since he has hosted a number of times, 
with much of his first gathering fronted out of his pocket before he was able 
to build sufficient funds to start supporting future gatherings.  

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> I have always made a generous contribution to the HAT, in the past.
> However, I have never in the past paid fees to attend.  I prefer the "HAT",
> but either way is good for me, but do we really need to pay fees and pass
> the hat?
> My Panther Building Documentation at PantherBuilder Web Site
> Daniel R. Heath -?Lexington, SC
> -----Original Message-----

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