Simply put, my effort to complete my KR is progressing along nicely... I'm completing someone else's project here, and one of the terrible, terrible things that was done is the plane was painted with latex house paint. Said paint is now peeling/cracking off, and has to go... Now, I've figured out how I'm going to handle THAT part, but I haven't figured out what I'm going to repaint with.
I want a nice, smooth paintjob like I see on so many of you guys' planes.. I'd also like a locally-obtainable variety of paint (eg, one that does not have to be ordered from Aircraft Spruce... Stuff from Sherwin Williams works) that doesn't require me to wear SCUBA gear to spray, and that won't crack/peel like 80s hardware-store latex.... So, what has everyone done in terms of paint (for those that are 'there') and any suggestions/ideas on how to handle this?