That looks like the missing piece of info that I was wondering. I suppose nothing stops one from having both, and I wonder if that would be prudent. I could relate to the comments about over stressing the cable and pulleys and in a adrenaline situation we may not be self-aware and push the foot too hard. So it looks like we have a reason for something to protect the flight surface from banging over too far, and also the control cable and related from being stressed. Why not both?
> Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 13:02:04 -0400 > To: krnet at > Subject: Re: KR> rudder stops > From: krnet at > CC: cgardn628 at > > Ever look at a Cessna? > The control stops are at the control surfaces to prevent over stressing the > surface due to flight loads, not pilot input. > Just sayin' > Chris G. > > Sent from my iPad >