I don't know what to think...I've spent (wasted) my life making things I could 
have bought- my house(s), my tandem bike, my cars (overhauls and waste veg oil) 
my wetsuits. I have found that I usually discard the homemade things in favor 
of commercial products when I am done "learning". I have also found that the 
makers of small-production items are often just like me...but much more 
experienced in the particular craft they practice, earned through years of 
practice. Some things- like singing in a chorus- are really meaningful for my 
investing time learning to do myself, some- like prepping and painting a car- 
are a do-once-and-forget skill. Some, like milling lumber from trees I have 
falled, is fun, and moderately practical. No one answer works for everything. 
My nickle's worth...Peter

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