If you want to get an article published, you are going to need to sell the 
author on the article, and in turn he will need to sell the publisher on the 
idea that the article will help sell the magazine.  Before writing an article, 
one might want to see if you can convince Dave that it has merit and would be 
of interest to the world of amateur aircraft builders.  The problem you have in 
doing that is that you want to publish an article taunting an aircraft that is 
well outside the published bounds of the kit "manufacturer".  We all know those 
numbers are phony.  Never-the-less, they are still what is published in the 
advertising, including in "Kitplanes".  Dave might be willing to write a second 
article, but I suspect Kitplanes is more likely to think they have given the KR 
line enough attention for a while.

FWIW, Dave is no idiot.  He's an EAA tech counselor and long time writer for 
Kitplanes.  But he has to have something he can convince the magazine they can 
sell.  Somehow I'm thinking a rebuttal article isn't going to make that.  But 
put in the right light, it could happen.  I've got Dave's contact information 
if you're interested.

-Jeff Scott

> I just read the article. Overall I thought it was decent with a few
> exceptions. Everyone has their own opinions and we don't need to get into a
> pi$$ing match about this. Earl brings up a valid point about doing a follow
> up article as well as Larry's statements about the true specs of today's
> KRs. I mean, what can I say I flew my KR2S with 450 pounds of meat sitting
> in it and it flew great and that was right at 1300 lbs gross.  Just longer
> take off roll, slower climb and longer landing roll.  If someone knows Dave
> Prizio at Kitplanes and how to get in touch with him maybe they would like
> to do a follow up article and call it "Today's REAL WORLD KR".
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Stevens Point, WI 
> Email: flykr2s at charter.net
> Web: www.flykr2s.com

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