I just read the article. Overall I thought it was decent with a few
exceptions. Everyone has their own opinions and we don't need to get into a
pi$$ing match about this. Earl brings up a valid point about doing a follow
up article as well as Larry's statements about the true specs of today's
KRs. I mean, what can I say I flew my KR2S with 450 pounds of meat sitting
in it and it flew great and that was right at 1300 lbs gross.  Just longer
take off roll, slower climb and longer landing roll.  If someone knows Dave
Prizio at Kitplanes and how to get in touch with him maybe they would like
to do a follow up article and call it "Today's REAL WORLD KR".

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI 
Email: flykr2s at charter.net
Web: www.flykr2s.com

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