>  taking about 5 seconds to retract, which is about as slow as I'd 
> care for them to retract.
>Mark Langford

Mark's 5 seconds is pretty close. My belly board takes about 6 
seconds to extend / retract from maximum deflection of 90 
degrees.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgdgxVgPNAk You can time 
the retract at the end of the video.  I'm able to go around with the 
board extended but climb rate and acceleration are limited, even with 
the 0-200 at full throttle.  As for retracting on go around, the last 
couple of seconds are a non issue as the effects of the board 
decrease as the seconds count down.  If the last two or three seconds 
of retract makes a difference in life or death you've made too many 
mistakes leading to that point to matter, IMHO................

Larry Flesner  

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