Rather than watching a video, why not download the software and try it out so you can have first hand experience?
I've been using WingX for years now, and Avare does not have all of the bells and whistles, but frankly I am very impressed by what it does have, then doubly so when I remember that it doesn't cost anything. Pretty hard to beat that, and I don't praise easily. I've seen lots of flashy, polished videos for many different products, some good, some not so good, but nothing compares to actually trying something yourself and forming your own opinion about it. -Dj On Apr 11, 2014, at 11:54 PM, Larry&Sallie Flesner <flesner at frontier.com> wrote: > > > I tried to watch the very unprofessional video for Avare where he was trying > to demo on a screen only twice the size of his thumb and was considerably > unimpressed. (the dogs barking in the background was a nice touch :-) ) If > you got to http://www.iflygps.com/Portals/0/html/VideoTourNew.html and go to > the 3 minute mark on the demo you'll see what these "free" software programs > are lacking. I'll gladly pay my $5.75 a month subscription fee to have an > easy to use data base with absolutely everything I need to fly. You'll spend > more than that on one trip to McDonalds. :-) > > Just my opinion, others may differ........... > > Larry Flesner >