>  Larry&Sallie Flesner wrote:
>>In my opinion, anyone that already has an ipad or equivalent  can 
>>not find a better data base for less expense to fly by.
>"Avare" for the Android tablets is free...  :-)

I tried to watch the very unprofessional video for Avare where he was 
trying to demo on a screen only twice the size of his thumb and was 
considerably unimpressed.  (the dogs barking in the background was a 
nice touch :-) ) If you got to 
http://www.iflygps.com/Portals/0/html/VideoTourNew.html  and go to 
the 3 minute mark on the demo you'll see what these "free" software 
programs are lacking.  I'll gladly pay my $5.75 a month subscription 
fee to have an easy to use data base with absolutely everything I 
need to fly.  You'll spend more than that on one trip to McDonalds. :-)

Just my opinion,  others may differ...........

Larry Flesner

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