I agree with Ron.  Our local EAA Chapter, in its December meeting, was faced 
with the decision on whether to disband the chapter or to trudge along as 
best we can ? we?re down to only 4 active members (from a high of 30 +) when 
the chapter first started up, some 15 years ago).  One of the members is 90 
yrs old and the other three are 65-72.  We?ve had some recent help from 
neighbors and friends when putting on our usual 6 breakfasts (May thru Oct.) 
per year at the airport.  We?re thankful for that, but it?s become a real 
chore with pressure on just a few guys.  And this was the worst year for 
breakfast attendance too.  Our average has been around 150 ? 200.  This year 
it was about 1/2 that, dropping our income by 72% which mostly have been 
used for scholarships .  I'm wondering how many other chapters are 
experiencing this dilemma?  In our area it could be argued that the onset of 
personal electronic gadgets (smart phones, tablets, etc.), the economy, 
insurance costs, and fuel prices are some of the factors that seem to be 
shifting at least the recreational interests away from G.A.  When have we 
seen youngsters building an airplane model, except for the 5 minute 
snap-together kind?  We have one non-member in our area building an RV-6A - 
the extent of our building activity.

At this point we've decided to continue with our breakfasts, cutting the 
number of events by one-half.  Hopefully we can come up with some ideas to 
attract some young people to keep things going.  One Wisconsin chapter holds 
an occasional "movie" night, providing free popcorn and an aviation related 
film.  Any ideas or suggestions (that really work) from other EAA chapters 
out there in "KR land" certainly are welcome.  We sometimes forget that we 
can borrow movies and other material from the EAA library.  It also may have 
some videos available to offer suggestions to chapter leaders to help 
generate more interest.

Ed Janssen

Hi Paul, as a Past President of EAA32 in St. Charles MO, you get out of an 
EAA Chapter what YOU put into it.  Things aren't fun;  change it!! 
Volunteer to put on a program..  Bring in parts from your project for "show 
and tell"..  Most members "want to be asked" to do something rather than 
standing up and volunteering..  Most Chapters have a lot of experience 
hiding in their membership roster;  just takes a little hunting to find out 
who they are and how to get them more involved..

Ron W


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