>I would suggest taking a look at Larry Flesner's >KR. ? He went to a fixed frame with a gull wing >door for access and raised his rear deck and >canopy height significantly to accommodate his height ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I'm 6' 4" and have considerable headroom in my KR. However, my KR is stretched 24 inches and that made it easier to keep a nice contour from windshield to tail with the canopy height increased. Go to http://myplace.frontier.com/~flesner/ and check out the multiple photos that might give you some ideas. Make sure you check the entire site as the photos are scattered. The main problem with the KR half bubble is that there is very little vertical height above the longeron before it starts to round over. My canopy goes approx 7 inches vertical before bowing over the top and, to a small extent, bows out from the longeron before rounding over the top. In my case, I used the forward portion of a broken Pulsar canopy for the windshield. I added about 3 or 4 inches of foam at the rear edge of the windshield to the top longeron. I formed the windshield bow and turtledeck bow using ply strips and glass cloth. I then reshaped the turtledeck to mate to the bow. I then filled in with foam between the two bows for the door. My right side window panel is easily removable. The gull wing door opens up 60 percent of the distances measured from longeron to longeron over the top. I had to add nearly 24 inches to the front of the turtledeck after reshaping. I glassed the original deck in place, then split it down the middle, reshaped it over a form, then filled in the gap. I added the rear windows in the extended area of the deck using pieces of glass from the Pulsar canopy. My side windows are cut from the KR half bubble using as much glass as possible before getting to areas with too much curve. Bottom line, I built the area above the top longerons, without plans, to fit me after I had the seat installed. The photos may help to make this a bit more clear. Larry Flesner