So, it looks like you are going "Bambi" style?  I totally agree with you on
the this style of canopy, having had almost 200 hours in the "Clamshell"
type, and now over 100 in the "Gull Wing" type that is on the Black Bird.
The KR does not lend itself well to the slider like on some RVs, or even the
push forward as was on the early Lancair, but the tilt forward does work
very well in every implementation that I have seen.  However, I think I
prefer the N56ML version over the "Bambi" version and look forward to your
assessment of both types.

Other bonus that I see with the forward tilt, are ingress and egress from
both sides, and the ability to completely remove the canopy for maintenance.
While the "Gull Wing" is strong and safe, and is good for cooling, it really
is lacking in these features.

If there was ever any reason that I had to replace mine, it would be with
the "Tilt Forward" type.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics?
See you Oct. 4 and 5, 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 
Daniel R. Heath -?Lexington, SC

-----Original Message-----

In my mind, front-hinged offers a much safer alternative to the side-hinged
plans-built version, because prop-wash closes the canopy, rather than
ripping it off!  A bonus is that while taxiing, you can open the canopy and
sit up on the seat back for a perfect 270 degree S-turns required.
And cooling during the summer is much better, and requires no hands

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