
The carbon fiber canopy hinges are almost cured under heat lamps.  They've been 
cooking at about 150F degrees for 5 hours, so I think they're about done!  See 
enclosed photo to get the idea of what I'm up to.  The side-hinged canopy is 
about to become front-hinged. There are 12 layers of .020" thick carbon fiber 
built up into a 2"X15" hinge, applied over packing tape.  Tomorrow I'll match 
drill the front edge of the canopy frame for some #6 countersunk screws, then 
pop the hinges off to shape them into a more aerodynamically clean shape, then 
will epoxy the hinges to the canopy, and pin the fronts for pivoting.  

In my mind, front-hinged offers a much safer alternative to the side-hinged 
plans-built version, because prop-wash closes the canopy, rather than ripping 
it off!  A bonus is that while taxiing, you can open the canopy and sit up on 
the seat back for a perfect 270 degree S-turns required.  And cooling 
during the summer is much better, and requires no hands, rather than one to 
prevent the canopy from being ripped off.  Having experienced it both ways, 
it's a no-brainer.  Sorry Virge, but the plans missed the boat on this one!

See enclosed photo.  More to come...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at 

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