Thanks, I didn't know that, Open in Low Resolution definitely speeds up
eeschema, I know kicad has this info on the website, however that fact that
you have to go inside the package and set that to low res mode as far as I
remember was not stated!

The docs should be updated to properly show how to enable low res mode,
step by step! Setting the main to low res mode is not enough, inside package needs to be set.

It didn't feel like pcbnew got faster, I'll have to try on 5K monitor and I
found some supersampling and anti-aliasing modes that I want to turn on to

Thank you to someone on the dev team I guess for getting rid of the mouse
warp events from right click, however the zoom mouse warp to the center of
the screen is still a major WTF.

Question: Is there something different in the way pcbnew does the zooming
compared to eeschema? My mouse zooming feels weird in escheema, but not in
I think pcbnew has a linear incremental step and the zooming is crisp,
display changes per mouse wheel click, while eeschema what feels like
rubber banding between wheel clicks, step sizes are not linear thus causing
zooming ooogles. My mouse is a logitech mx master 2s using the ratchet
mode. In pcbnew, the zoom happens every ratchet, while in eeschema the zoom
can happen inbetween ratchets, like I just tilt the wheel and bring it back
but the zoom changed in one direction only, ie I can zoom all the way in
without ratcheting. In pcbnew you cannot do that, and it feels natural.

Bug or not? When I open eeschema and pcbnew from KiCad app, eeschema opens
as a standalone app and shows up in the dock on macOS while pcbnew opens as
another window that's part of kicad app. This caused issues with my logitec
options software for custom mouse button settings because I only programmed
kicad, but not eeschema.

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 8:37 PM, Seth Hillbrand <>

> Usually, Eeschema, Pcbnew, etc are links into the KiCad package.  If you
> right-click and go to "Show Original", you will get the actual
> application.  Get Info there will allow you to select "Open in Low
> Resolution" for that application.
> -S
> 2018-03-02 4:00 GMT+00:00 Andrey Kuznetsov <>:
>> Only KiCad app has Open in Low Resolution Mode, and I already had it
>> enabled!
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 7:53 PM, Seth Hillbrand <>
>> wrote:
>>> Andrey-
>>> I'm moving this to a new thread so that we don't conflate the OpenMP
>>> discussion with this.
>>> Can you test running Kicad with the "Open in Low Resolution" mode
>>> enabled?  You can activate this by choosing "Get Info" on the main KiCad
>>> application and checking the option that says "Open in Low Resolution".
>>> You may need to do the same for the other applications (Eeschema, pcbnew,
>>> etc) as well.
>>> -Seth
>>> ​
>>> ​
>>> 2018-03-01 18:09 GMT-08:00 Andrey Kuznetsov <>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> So for now I've had a chance to test the motherboard project on my
>>>> Retina macbook display.
>>>> eeschema: horrible zoom, feels like elastic band zoom and I have all
>>>> scroll wheel accelerations and similar disabled, zoom response is super
>>>> laggy, cannot work like this, will need to make schematics on windows.
>>>> pcbnew by order of slowness:
>>>> legacy - pretty slow, zoom lag is major, boo boo
>>>> modern (fallback) - decent, but the lag can be felt, zoom lag is minor
>>>> modern (accelerated) - almost cannot feel the lag, very nice, nice zoom
>>>> responsiveness
>>>> I'll report tomorrow on 5K LG display.
>>> ​
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