Hannes <list_kde-free...@soulrebel.in-berlin.de> writes:

> It has lost my filters and my profiles needed to have their sent-folder 
> reset

I think this one should be reported, as last time I heard the developers
needed more migration reports (in the worst case, your bug report will
just be marked as a duplicate :)

> Oh another thing I noticed is that 
> it takes rather long (8-11seconds) to open the options, although I have 
> a fairly high-end system (phenomX4, 3ghz, SSD...).

This is a known issue, IIRC related to some changes to the KCM code in
kdelibs with unexpected effects. I'm not sure if there's a bug for this
or if people are actively working on this, but the issue has at least
been noticed.
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