Hi miwi, ok here are my test result
**BUILD STAGE** I did a pkg_delete -a, reinstalled xorg and qt4 from packages and then built most of kde by "make install clean". Issues: - kdebase4-workspace and nepomukcontroller are not make_jobs_safe although they claim to be - kdepim4 wants libassuan.1, but the port only provides .0 (manually changing the Makefile solved this) - kdebase4-runtime did not install in kdeprefix, but into to localbase. Curiosly a make deinstall reinstall fixed this, with some file leftovers for me to clean up -phonon master site is wrong (it lacks /src/ in the end) ** RUN STAGE** Most things seem to work pretty well, only issue so far is that I can't make kmail run. It starts the kmail migration wizard thingee, which successfully migrates all my ressources. When I click Ok the migration wizard dissappears, but Kmail doesn't open. ps ax shows both kmail and the migration tool running invisible in the background. I tried killing both and starting again, but to no avail. The migration manager opens again, tells me that everything is already migrated and that i am ready to go... I do not want to reset my settings since I have lots of complicated filters set up and my aggregation and list view are heavily customized... Oh and all the apps give me: kmail-migrator(31594)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Unable to find an appropriate lock to guard the shared cache. This *should* be essentially impossible. :( kmail-migrator(31594)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Unable to perform initial setup, this system probably does not really support process-shared pthreads or semaphores, even though it claims otherwise I hope this information helps, thanks for you porting efforts! Regards, Hannes Zitat von "Martin Wilke" <m...@freebsd.org>: > Hello Internet, > > The FreeBSD KDE Team is happy to let you know that KDE SC 4.6.0 has been > released a few Days ago, and the Release is ready for a public test. Before > you ask, no, we do not want to put KDE 4.6.0 in the ports tree before > FreeBSD 8.2/7.4 is released. > > What's new: > KDE SC 4.6.0 provides major updates to the KDE Plasma workspaces, KDE > Applications and KDE Platform. Theses releases, version 4.6, provide many > new features in each of KDE's three product lines. The official > release notes for these releases can be found at > http://kde.org/announcements/4.6/ > > Now you can get KDE SC 4.6 via svn checkout: > > svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/PYQT/ > svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/PORTS > svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/KDE > svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/Tools/ > > Then try: > > sh Tools/scripts/portsmerge > sh Tools/scripts/kdemerge > > Please read carefully the /usr/ports/UPDATING-area51 notes at > http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/UPDATING-area51 > > Happy updating!! > _______________________________________________ kde-freebsd mailing list kde-freebsd@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-freebsd See also http://freebsd.kde.org/ for latest information