On Tuesday 20 March 2007 16:50, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> On Tuesday, 20. March 2007, Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> > Did the no-sm thread reach a result? I've started trying to compile KDE4
> > against the Qt4 ports and the -no-sm breaks kdelibs compile (25% in).
> Nobody was able to reproduce the crashes I'm seeing so far and I haven't
> had time to investigate further (KDE/KOffice updates and just recently Qt
> 3.3.8 getting in the way).

I'll see what I can do. So all of that was Qt4 ports running in a Qt3 / KDE3 
environment? Good thing I can reproduce that :)

>From there I can start on a Strigi port -- assuming there's a release tarball 
of it somewhere.

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