--- Comment #227 from Uwe Dippel <> ---
It does get funny now. The last 20 or so comments are marked as 'spam' and are
not visible by default.

There are some in here who have tried whatever they could to help. farid is
right: learn to code. In this case case, however, not, because there is no
design, no manifest, no requirements. The current implementation - though buggy
- implements frightfully well the design. 
The design doesn't consider changing real estate while switching display. Since
nobody has come forward to lay out rules for action to be taken in such
situations, I'd be, well, more satisfied if the project marked this bug as
'won't fix' with "follows design [sigh]".

Let's not get bitter nor childish. "Use another DE if you don't like this" is
pointless. We use it because we like it. 
"We don't have sufficient contributors" is probably honest, and sad. Though, be
honest in that case and state what the project and the remaining contributors
are able, willing and interested to do. 
Maybe the problem is me, my advanced age, being on Linux for almost 30 years,
and implicitly assuming (still!) - or hoping - to be on an OS and a DE that is
at least on par with some software from Redmond.

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