Nicofo <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #10 from Nicofo <> ---
Sorry to interfere in this bug report ;)
I have also old pictures without exif whose name contain the date, but the date
format varies a lot.
After a rapid research I have:
dd_mm (no year)
dd_mm yy
etc... (I'm sure other users could easily add few more)

Also if I have for 'dd_mm' e.g. 03_05, I wonder how you could automatically
detect if the format is dd_mm or mm_dd ?

So, instead of modifying the code each time a new file format is detected, it
should be good if it was possible to manually tell what is the date format in
the file name. E.g. a popup where you can manually enter the date template.

Just an idea...

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