--- Comment #49 from postix <> --- * balooctl status claims "Indexer state: Indexing file content", while it should only be indexing file names, as this is set both in the baloofilerc and in the kcm. Likely this error comes from the fact that initially, when I decided to enable baloo and started with a fresh db after purging the old one, I had checked the option to also index file contents and only later changed the option to index file names only. * Since using the systemd service, the pausing and starting the baloo file indexer in the kcm works immediately. > * RAM usage grows for both drivers over time. It seemed RES ram consumption > grows faster in the case of NTFS3, but this needs to be re-checked again. It now grows over 6 GB already in case of NTFS-3G. This seems to be driver independent as well. Interestingly only 9 MB are swapped currently. Of course I cannot fully rule out that the swapping was caused by any process other than baloo_file_extractor, but it coincided very well. > Keep a look out for multiple hits for a file, the "baloosearch -i > one-of-your-files.txt", that will be a clear warning that something is wrong. `for x in {a..z}; do baloosearch -s auto -i "$x" | cut -d' ' -f2- | uniq -d; done` finds no duplicates. So there are likely none. > Your "balooctl status" says you have 4,366,8011 files, could that be true? Yes, lot's of measurement data etc. > I'm wondering about the iNotify limit warning, that's something that used to > cause trouble but has not recently. We can come back to that later as well. > Just saw that today again with the ntfs-3g driver, but it doesn't seem to > cause responsiveness issues. * 2nd summary: There doesn't seem to be a difference between both ntfs drivers. So much data points almost for nothing. At least we likely can rule out a few things and with the systemd service in work the starting / stopping works reliably finally. > I think you have to take a step back, swallow, purge the index and start > again. I will do so a last time and this time I will only index file names right from the start. (It would of course be great if this option could be made directory dependent so that for slow drives content is not indexed but only for fast storage.) -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.