kirktrue commented on code in PR #18795:

@@ -3437,21 +3443,373 @@ public void testPollWithRedundantCreateFetchRequests() 
-    private OffsetsForLeaderEpochResponse prepareOffsetsForLeaderEpochResponse(
-            TopicPartition topicPartition,
-            Errors error,
-            int leaderEpoch,
-            long endOffset
-    ) {
-        OffsetForLeaderEpochResponseData data = new 
-        data.topics().add(new OffsetForLeaderTopicResult()
-                .setTopic(topicPartition.topic())
-                .setPartitions(Collections.singletonList(new EpochEndOffset()
-                        .setPartition(topicPartition.partition())
-                        .setErrorCode(error.code())
-                        .setLeaderEpoch(leaderEpoch)
-                        .setEndOffset(endOffset))));
-        return new OffsetsForLeaderEpochResponse(data);
+    /**
+     * This test makes several calls to {@link #sendFetches()}, and after 
each, the buffered partitions are
+     * modified to either cause (or prevent) a fetch from being requested.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchRequestWithBufferedPartitions() {
+        buildFetcher();
+        // The partitions are spread across multiple nodes to ensure the 
fetcher's logic correctly handles the
+        // partition-to-node mapping.
+        int numNodes = 2;
+        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = Set.of(tp0, tp1, tp2, tp3);
+        assignFromUser(partitions, numNodes);
+        // Seek each partition so that it becomes eligible to fetch.
+        partitions.forEach(tp ->, 0));
+        // Get all the nodes serving as the leader for these partitions.
+        List<Node> nodes = nodesForPartitionLeaders(partitions);
+        // Extract the nodes and their respective set of partitions to make 
things easier to keep track of later.
+        assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
+        Node node0 = nodes.get(0);
+        Node node1 = nodes.get(1);
+        List<TopicPartition> node0Partitions = partitionsForNode(node0, 
+        List<TopicPartition> node1Partitions = partitionsForNode(node1, 
+        assertEquals(2, node0Partitions.size());
+        assertEquals(2, node1Partitions.size());
+        TopicPartition node0Partition1 = node0Partitions.get(0);
+        TopicPartition node0Partition2 = node0Partitions.get(1);
+        TopicPartition node1Partition1 = node1Partitions.get(0);
+        TopicPartition node1Partition2 = node1Partitions.get(1);
+        // sendFetches() call #1 should issue requests to node 0 or node 1 
since neither has buffered data.
+        assertEquals(2, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node0, node0Partitions, 0);
+        prepareFetchResponses(node1, node1Partitions, 0);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        assertEquals(4, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        collectSelectedPartition(node0Partition1, partitions);
+        node0Partitions.remove(node0Partition1);
+        assertEquals(3, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // sendFetches() call #2 shouldn't issue requests to either node 0 or 
node 1 since they both have buffered data.
+        assertEquals(0, sendFetches());
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        collectSelectedPartition(node1Partition1, partitions);
+        node1Partitions.remove(node1Partition1);
+        assertEquals(2, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // sendFetches() call #3 shouldn't issue requests to either node 0 or 
node 1 since they both have buffered data.
+        assertEquals(0, sendFetches());
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        collectSelectedPartition(node0Partition2, partitions);
+        node0Partitions.remove(node0Partition2);
+        assertEquals(1, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Validate that all of node 0's partitions have all been collected.
+        assertTrue(node0Partitions.isEmpty());
+        // Reset the list of partitions for node 0 so the next fetch pass 
requests data.
+        node0Partitions = partitionsForNode(node0, partitions);
+        // sendFetches() call #4 should issue a request to node 0 since its 
buffered data was collected.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node0, node0Partitions, 10);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        collectSelectedPartition(node1Partition2, partitions);
+        node1Partitions.remove(node1Partition2);
+        assertEquals(2, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Node 1's partitions have likewise all been collected, so validate 
+        assertTrue(node1Partitions.isEmpty());
+        // Again, reset the list of partitions, this time for node 1, so the 
next fetch pass requests data.
+        node1Partitions = partitionsForNode(node1, partitions);
+        // sendFetches() call #5 should issue a request to node 1 since its 
buffered data was collected.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node1, node1Partitions, 10);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        assertEquals(4, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Collect all the records and make sure they include all the 
partitions, and validate that there is no data
+        // remaining in the fetch buffer.
+        assertEquals(partitions, fetchRecords().keySet());
+        assertEquals(0, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // sendFetches() call #6 should issue a request to nodes 0 and 1 since 
its buffered data was collected.
+        assertEquals(2, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node0, node0Partitions, 20);
+        prepareFetchResponses(node1, node1Partitions, 20);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        assertEquals(4, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Just for completeness, collect all the records and make sure they 
include all the partitions, and validate
+        // that there is no data remaining in the fetch buffer.
+        assertEquals(partitions, fetchRecords().keySet());
+        assertEquals(0, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchRequestWithBufferedPartitionNotAssigned() {
+        buildFetcher();
+        // The partitions are spread across multiple nodes to ensure the 
fetcher's logic correctly handles the
+        // partition-to-node mapping.
+        int numNodes = 2;
+        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = Set.of(tp0, tp1, tp2, tp3);
+        assignFromUser(partitions, numNodes);
+        // Seek each partition so that it becomes eligible to fetch.
+        partitions.forEach(tp ->, 0));
+        // Get all the nodes serving as the leader for these partitions.
+        List<Node> nodes = nodesForPartitionLeaders(partitions);
+        // Extract the nodes and their respective set of partitions to make 
things easier to keep track of later.
+        assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
+        Node node0 = nodes.get(0);
+        Node node1 = nodes.get(1);
+        List<TopicPartition> node0Partitions = partitionsForNode(node0, 
+        List<TopicPartition> node1Partitions = partitionsForNode(node1, 
+        assertEquals(2, node0Partitions.size());
+        assertEquals(2, node1Partitions.size());
+        TopicPartition node0Partition1 = node0Partitions.get(0);
+        TopicPartition node0Partition2 = node0Partitions.get(1);
+        TopicPartition node1Partition1 = node1Partitions.get(0);
+        TopicPartition node1Partition2 = node1Partitions.get(1);
+        // sendFetches() call #1 should issue requests to node 0 or node 1 
since neither has buffered data.
+        assertEquals(2, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node0, node0Partitions, 0);
+        prepareFetchResponses(node1, node1Partitions, 0);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        // Collect node0Partition1 so that it doesn't have anything in the 
fetch buffer.
+        assertEquals(4, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        collectSelectedPartition(node0Partition1, partitions);
+        assertEquals(3, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Exclude node0Partition2 (the remaining buffered partition for node 
0) when updating the assigned partitions
+        // to cause it to become unassigned.
+        subscriptions.assignFromUser(Set.of(
+            node0Partition1,
+            // node0Partition2,         // Intentionally omit this partition 
so that it is unassigned
+            node1Partition1,
+            node1Partition2
+        ));
+        // node0Partition1 (the collected partition) should have a retrievable 
position, but node0Partition2
+        // (the unassigned position) should throw an error when attempting to 
retrieve its position.
+        assertDoesNotThrow(() -> subscriptions.position(node0Partition1));
+        assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> 
+        // sendFetches() call #2 should issue a request to node 0 because the 
first partition in node 0 was collected
+        // (and its buffer removed) and the second partition for node 0 was 
unassigned. As a result, there are now no
+        // *assigned* partitions for node 0 that are buffered.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchRequestWithBufferedPartitionMissingLeader() {
+        buildFetcher();
+        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = Set.of(tp0, tp1);
+        assignFromUser(partitions);
+        // Seek each partition so that it becomes eligible to fetch.
+        partitions.forEach(tp ->, 0));
+        Node leader = metadata.fetch().leaderFor(tp0);
+        // sendFetches() call #1 should issue a request since there's no 
buffered data.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(leader, Set.of(tp0, tp1), 0);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        // Per the fetch response, data for both of the partitions are in the 
fetch buffer.
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp0));
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp1));
+        // Collect the first partition (tp0) which will remove it from the 
fetch buffer.
+        collectSelectedPartition(tp0, partitions);
+        // Since tp0 was collected, it's not in the fetch buffer, but tp1 
remains in the fetch buffer.
+        assertFalse(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp0));
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp1));
+        // Overwrite tp1's position with an empty leader, but verify that it 
is still buffered. Having a leaderless,
+        // buffered partition is key to triggering the test case.
+        subscriptions.position(tp1, new SubscriptionState.FetchPosition(
+            0,
+            Optional.empty(),
+            Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch.noLeaderOrEpoch()
+        ));
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp1));
+        // Validate the state of the collected partition (tp0) and leaderless 
partition (tp1) before sending the
+        // fetch request.
+        // sendFetches() call #2 should issue a fetch request because it has 
no buffered partitions:
+        //
+        // - tp0 was collected and thus not in the fetch buffer
+        // - tp1, while still in the fetch buffer, is leaderless
+        //
+        // As a result, there are now effectively no buffered partitions for 
which there is a leader.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchRequestWithBufferedPartitionMissingPosition() {
+        buildFetcher();
+        // The partitions are spread across multiple nodes to ensure the 
fetcher's logic correctly handles the
+        // partition-to-node mapping.
+        int numNodes = 2;
+        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = Set.of(tp0, tp1, tp2, tp3);
+        assignFromUser(partitions, numNodes);
+        // Seek each partition so that it becomes eligible to fetch.
+        partitions.forEach(tp ->, 0));
+        // Get all the nodes serving as the leader for these partitions.
+        List<Node> nodes = nodesForPartitionLeaders(partitions);
+        // Extract the nodes and their respective set of partitions to make 
things easier to keep track of later.
+        assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
+        Node node0 = nodes.get(0);
+        Node node1 = nodes.get(1);
+        List<TopicPartition> node0Partitions = partitionsForNode(node0, 
+        List<TopicPartition> node1Partitions = partitionsForNode(node1, 
+        assertEquals(2, node0Partitions.size());
+        assertEquals(2, node1Partitions.size());
+        TopicPartition node0Partition1 = node0Partitions.get(0);
+        TopicPartition node0Partition2 = node0Partitions.get(1);
+        // sendFetches() call #1 should issue requests to node 0 or node 1 
since neither has buffered data.
+        assertEquals(2, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(node0, node0Partitions, 0);
+        prepareFetchResponses(node1, node1Partitions, 0);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        // Collect node 0's first partition (node0Partition1) which will 
remove it from the fetch buffer.
+        assertEquals(4, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        collectSelectedPartition(node0Partition1, partitions);
+        assertEquals(3, fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().size());
+        // Overwrite node0Partition2's position with an empty leader to 
trigger the test case.
+        subscriptions.position(node0Partition2, null);
+        // Confirm that calling SubscriptionState.position() succeeds for a 
leaderless partition. While it shouldn't
+        // throw an exception, it should return a null position.
+        SubscriptionState.FetchPosition position = assertDoesNotThrow(() -> 
+        assertNull(position);
+        // sendFetches() call #2 will now fail to send any requests as we have 
an invalid position in the assignment.
+        // The Consumer.poll() API will throw an IllegalStateException to the 
+        Future<Void> future = fetcher.createFetchRequests();
+        assertEquals(0, sendFetches());
+        assertFutureThrows(future, IllegalStateException.class);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchRequestWithBufferedAndPausedPartition() {
+        buildFetcher();
+        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = Set.of(tp0, tp1);
+        assignFromUser(partitions);
+        // Seek each partition so that it becomes eligible to fetch.
+        partitions.forEach(tp ->, 0));
+        // sendFetches() call #1 should issue a request since there's no 
buffered data.
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());
+        prepareFetchResponses(metadata.fetch().leaderFor(tp0), Set.of(tp0, 
tp1), 0);
+        networkClientDelegate.poll(time.timer(0));
+        // Per the fetch response, data for both of the partitions are in the 
fetch buffer.
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp0));
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp1));
+        // Collect the first partition (tp0) which will remove it from the 
fetch buffer.
+        collectSelectedPartition(tp0, partitions);
+        assertFalse(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp0));
+        // Pause tp1, but verify that it is still buffered. Having a paused, 
buffered partition is key to triggering
+        // the test case.
+        subscriptions.pause(tp1);
+        assertTrue(fetcher.fetchBuffer.bufferedPartitions().contains(tp1));
+        // sendFetches() call #2 should issue a fetch request because it has 
no buffered partitions:
+        //
+        // - tp0 was collected and thus not in the fetch buffer
+        // - tp1, while still in the fetch buffer, is paused and its node 
should be ignored
+        assertEquals(1, sendFetches());

Review Comment:
   Yes, good suggestion. I've updated all the tests to ensure the partitions 
and nodes in the requests are as expected. I also added three more tests for 
other cases `isFetchable()` should catch.

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