smjn commented on code in PR #18514:

@@ -456,6 +456,17 @@ public CompletableFuture<Void> maybeInitialize() {
RecordState.forId(stateBatch.deliveryState()), stateBatch.deliveryCount(), 
                     cachedState.put(stateBatch.firstOffset(), inFlightBatch);
+                long initialOffset = startOffset;

Review Comment:
   startOffset is 10 and is never updated in the loop - 
   for 2 batches (15, 20, 2, 1), (21, 25, 2, 2)
   initial = 10
   first batch
   10 != 15 => if loop is executed newBatch = (10, 14, 0, 0), cachedState:{10 
-> (10,14,0,0)}, initial = 21
   second batch
   10 != 21 => if loop is executed newBatch = (21, 20, 0, 0), cachedState:{10 
-> (10,14,0,0), 21 -> (21,20,0,0)}, initial = 26
   what am I missing?
   This might work
   soFar = startOffset
   // assuming non-overlapping, sorted batches by first, last, deliveryCount, 
   for(Batch b: batches) {
     // case 1:
     // |                  <--- start offset
     //    -------    <--- interval
     if soFar < b.firstOffset()
       Batch newBatch = new Batch(start, b.firstOffset()-1, 0, 0)
       cache.put(soFar, newBatch)
     // case 2:
     // |                     // firstOffset intersection (No new batch)
     // --------
       cache.put(soFar, batch)
     // case 3:
     //      |             // intersection somewhere in the middle (not 
possible due to persister)
     // --------
     // case 4:
     //              |      // intersection at last offset (not possible due to 
     // --------
     // case 5:    
     //             |    // interval lastOffset < startOffset (not possible due 
to persister)
     // ------
     soFar = batch.lastOffset() + 1

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