Hello. I created a simple pipeline. I noticed that it seems to be doing something wrong for a build that is not the last one. Take this pipeline view, for instance:
foo-1.0 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-1.0/> foo-deploy-qa <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-deploy-qa/> Svn: 37 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/#> foo-1.0 #14 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-1.0/14/> Mar 20, 2012 4:50:51 PM ART Duration: 35 sec foo-deploy-qa #47 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-deploy-qa/47/> Mar 20, 2012 4:51:32 PM ART Duration: 5.8 sec Svn: 37 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/#> foo-1.0 #13 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-1.0/13/> Mar 20, 2012 12:30:41 PM ART Duration: 25 sec foo-deploy-qa #90 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-deploy-qa/90/> Mar 21, 2012 11:38:26 AM ART Duration: 4.5 sec Svn: 35 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/#> foo-1.0 #12 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-1.0/12/> Mar 20, 2012 12:02:30 PM ART Duration: 35 sec foo-deploy-qa #91 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-deploy-qa/91/> Mar 21, 2012 11:40:57 AM ART Duration: 4.6 sec Svn: 35 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/#> foo-1.0 #11 <http://localhost:8080/view/foo_pipeline/job/foo-1.0/11/> Mar 20, 2012 12:01:08 PM ART Duration: 22 sec Pending build of project: foo-deploy-qa Trigger If I decide to trigger the foo-deploy-qa build on the bottom (the one that's pending), I would expect the upstream build for it to be foo-1.0#11. However, this doesn't seem to happen. I created a simple system script with the Groovy Plugin to show the upstream build: build = Thread.currentThread().executable upstreamBuilds = build.getUpstreamBuilds() println "upstream builds: " + upstreamBuilds So, after the build is run, I can see this in the console: upstream builds: [hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet@680525[foo-1.0]:14] As you can see, it always returns the last upstream build (foo-1.0#14 in this case), not the one that corresponds to that pipeline (foo-1.0#11 in this case). Has anyone come across this problem too? Thanks. Cheers.